Saturday, March 5, 2011

Micro Fiction

Today I'm going to talk about micro fiction.  What is micro fiction?  Well, micro fiction, or flash fiction as it's also known, is a type of fiction writing where you have a very limited amount of words to write a full story, 1000 words or less.

I first came across micro fiction in a college creative writing class.  One of the required books was called Micro Fiction and contained stories of 250 words or less.  We then had an assignment to write a story in exactly 100 words.  I would like to share the story I wrote but I can't seem to find it.  I think it's saved to another computer.

From that exercise we did in that class and became more interested in micro fiction and eventually came up with a project for it on my own.  It's called 52 Dragons, 52 stories about dragons told in only 52 words each.  I haven't finished it yet, but I plan too.  So here are a couple on those stories that I have written.
Snout Fire

       Snout Fire was a bright green medium sized dragon with yellow stripes and an impressive frill.  He could spit poison, at least one hundred yards.  The brave knight Sir Kevin thought it only ninety yards.  He thought he stood at a safe enough distance to save the beautiful princess.  He thought wrong.

Death Fang

       He was the most feared dragon in all the land, but with a name like Death Fang it was kind of expected.  He was huge with glossy black scales and a glare that could melt steel.  You can imagine the surprise when they found him wearing a pink feather boa and lipstick.

The thing I like most about micro fiction is the forced limitation.  Having to tell a story in a very limited amount of words makes every one  of them count.  Often times with authors I find their stories too wordy.  They could tell the story in half as many pages and it'd be so much better cause they would get rid of all that unnecessary filler and descriptions that don't had anything to the story.  Wordiness in story is not always a good thing.

Well, that's it from me today. 
Until next time,

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