Sunday, March 6, 2011

I don't know what to write about today

So I thought I'd talk a bit about the book I'm currently reading.  It's The Greatest Show on Earth but Richard Dawkins.  It's a book about the evidence for evolution, which is fascinating and giving me a much more in-depth information on the Theory of Evolution.  The classes that I've taken where evolution was taught didn't have much time to discuss and taught it as fact that you had to accept to pass the class.  Not that I had any problem with that but Dawkins is specially trying to convince and prove to you the known facts about evolution.  He gives more detailed information so you can understand the theory better.

The writing its self is engaging which is nice since there's lots of technical terms used which can get really dull and boring if not done right.  My only complaint is that sometimes Dawkins wanders all over the place and I can't quite follow what he's talking about.

It's a good book and one you should definitely pick up if you want to learn more about evolution.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I probably won't read it, unless I can find it as a free ebook... BUT this reminded me that I found a book I thought you'd be interested in. It's an anthology of steampunk short stories. Called: Steampunk Ed by Ann and Jeff Vandermeer (there was also a Steampunk II). I found them at barnes & nobles in Spokane valley and wrote the info down, but didn't have time to ask the library about getting them...

